Who are we?

The “Ingénieuses de l’ÉTS” is a student group from École de technologie supérieure. Our goal is to promote and set up a network of exchanges and contacts between future engineers of all specialties through social activities. By extension, our club ensures to support and motivate students in their academic and future career in the field of engineering. It is the group’s ambition to nurture young girls’ interest in science and careers in applied sciences.

"Objectif Féminin pluriel"

Les Ingénieuses also support ÉTS in the Objectif feminine pluriel, a real rallying cry, an invitation to action that calls for an increase in the presence of women at all levels at ÉTS. The term Objective was chosen because it evokes the idea of a finality, of a specific goal to be achieved while being inclusive: it is a common goal towards which everyone flocks. To achieve this objective, several activities were carried out to better understand the concerns of women currently at ETS as well as the place of women in engineering, such as conferences, public consultations, discussion groups, etc.

30 by 30 Goal

ÉTS and the “Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ)” have rallied with Engineers Canada to see at least 30% women in the field by 2030.


Female Students Statistics at ÉTS


  • How many Ingénieuses are there in the club?

    The club consists of roughly 50 members. Around 10 of those are in the executive committee and another 10 are what we call “Essential Members” who participate in several tasks. The remaining 30 or so are “Inseparable Members” who represent the organization at our different events as volunteers. The Ingénieuses wish to form a community in which anyone can be involved at the level they are willing to be.

  • What does the club do?

    We mainly organize activities for engineering students with the intent to raise awareness, offer training, favor exchange and networking. We also volunteer or participate in different external events that promote science and engineering to young women.

  • How can I promote my event or my article on your page?

    Simply send us your article! As for events, we need the following information : location, date, cost, link to the event (Facebook, Eventbrite, etc) and a short description. If it is aligned with our mission, we will let you know that it has been added to our social media content calendar in order to share it with our community.

  • How can we set up a partnership?

    As a student association, partnerships are necessary to the realization of our projects. If you are interested in working with us, send us an email at ingenieuses@ens.etsmtl.ca and we will review potential partnership whether it is an event, a sponsorship, an industrial visit, etc.

  • How can I become part of the club?

    Send us an email at ingenieuses@ens.etsmtl.ca. One of our members will take care of your admission. We will be pleased for you to join. See you soon!

  • Is the club restricted to only female members?

    No! We welcome each and everyone who wishes to contribute to our cause.

  • What does your logo represent?

    Red was chosen as it was already used to represent the school. It is also a unisex color. The butterfly is symbolic to our association. Scientifics have always been fascinated by its evolution and metamorphosis. Through the transformation of society, we wish to achieve our goal. Somehow, the butterfly is mostly associated with women even though it is unisex.

Contact us

Become a member of the INGénieuses